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Recomendaciones del libro del pastor ...

Hay esperanza. Dios puede salvar tu iglesia.

Thom Rainer revela siete hallazgos de iglesias revividas. A través de una nueva investigación, disecciona en sentido figurado cientos de iglesias que estaban en el camino hacia la muerte. Pero se dieron la vuelta. Revivieron. Lo hicieron ante los hechos y los detractores que les dijeron que no se podía hacer.

Prepárese para caminar con nosotros a través de la anatomía de las iglesias que fueron revividas porque eligieron vivir. La elección es tan simple como profunda. Cambiar o morir. Y ahora, en el poder de Dios, la elección es suya.

Para comprar en Amazon, haga clic en la portada del libro.

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Para el Adviento:

¡Conviértete en un pacificador este Adviento y experimenta la esperanza de una nueva vida!

Keep Watch with Me, de Claire Brown y Michael T. McRay, es un devocional diario colaborativo con diversos contribuyentes. La temporada de Adviento, mientras la iglesia se prepara para el nacimiento de Cristo, es una temporada de penitencia para reconocer nuestras necesidades y las necesidades del mundo. Keep Watch with Me ofrece historias, reflexiones, oraciones y prácticas espirituales para sostener y desafiar la fe de aquellos que trabajan por la justicia y la paz, y anhelan la venida de Dios con nosotros.

Para comprar en Cokesbury, haga clic en la portada del libro.

Without even being aware of it, many of us operate from an inward mindset, a single-minded focus on our own goals and objectives. This book points out the many ways, some quite subtle and deceptive, that this mindset invites tension and conflict. But incredible things happen when people switch to an outward mindset. They intuitively understand what coworkers, colleagues, family, and friends need to be successful and happy. Their organizations thrive, and astonishingly, by focusing on others they become happier and more successful themselves! This new mindset brings about deep and far-reaching changes. 
To order this book contact the church office or to order from Amazon click here or on the book cover

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While it's common knowledge that walking is good for physical health, many people may never have considered that walking is also good for their spiritual health. In this high-tech, fast-paced world, people long to slow down. Thomas Hawkins lifts up walking as a Christian spiritual practice that can help readers find their way to God. Each of the 6 chapters includes suggestions to help the reader experience prayerful walking.

To order this book contact the church office or to order from Amazon you may click here or on the book cover. 

"Within the struggle, joy, pain, and delight that attend our life, there is an invisible circle of grace that enfolds and encompasses us in every moment. Blessings help us to perceive this circle of grace, to find our place of belonging within it, and to receive the strength the circle holds for us." -from the Introduction Beginning in Advent and moving through the sacred seasons of the Christian year, Circle of Grace offers Jan's distinctive and poetic blessings that illuminate the treasures each season offers to us.

To order from Amazon click here or on the book cover

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S D OMINGO Horario:
10:00 am adoración con

refrigerios después del servicio


Rev. Julius E. Del Pino, PhD, Pastor
Becky Sallans, administradora de oficina
Alexander Wolf, pianista

Horas de oficina:
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Lunes jueves


21 E. Burdick Street

Oxford, MI 48371


Fax: (248) 628-9411

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